Hvordan er hemofili dominerende hos kvinnelige kvinner?
Punarbasu Roy
2015-04-23 14:26:46 UTC
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In human females one X chromosome is inactivated forming a Barr Body. Then how is it that haemophilia is dominant?

Suppose a female has one normal X chromosome and one chromosome with the haemophilia gene. Now suppose that the normal X chromosome is inactivated — will the female show haemophilia?

En svar:
March Ho
2015-04-23 15:29:10 UTC
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X-linked Hemophilia is caused by the lack of production of the clotting factors VIII or IX. It is not inherited dominantly, but instead inherited in an X-linked recessive manner.

These proteins are produced in multiple regions around the body. In a female heterozygous for the gene coding for Factor VIII or IX, X-inactivation would randomly prevent one of the chromosomes from expressing its allele. Therefore, the production of active Factor VIII or IX would only occur in half the cells which have the faulty allele inactivated.

However, half the production of the relevant factor results in a close to normal phenotype, as the hemophilic phenotype would not manifest unless the clotting factor activity levels are very low.

This Medscape article on hemophilia states that:

Normal values for FVIII assays are 50-150%. Values in hemophilia are as follows:

Mild: >5%

Moderate: 1-5%

Severe: < 1%

Therefore, despite X-inactivation reducing the production of clotting factors by 50%, the heterozygous female still displays the healthy, non-hemophilic phenotype.

While the clotting factor concentration can only be reduced to approximately 50% of normal, it is still possible for heterozygotes to suffer from mild hemophilia. This is because other genetic factors may also affect the hemophilia phenotype.

For example, the gene encoding FVIII may have point mutations which reduce the effectiveness of the protease, therefore reducing activity levels below the expected 50%. Mutations in regulatory elements or interacting proteins may also result in hemophilia due to the regulatory elements downregulating the expression or activity of the protein.

Approximately 40% of cases of severe FVIII deficiency arise from a large inversion that disrupts the FVIII gene. Deletions, insertions, and point mutations account for the remaining 50-60% of the F8C defects that cause hemophilia A.

Low FVIII levels may arise from defects outside the FVIII gene, as in type IIN von Willebrand disease, in which the molecular defect resides in the FVIII-binding domain of von Willebrand factor.

Merk at X-inaktivering er en tilfeldig prosess. Derfor vil ikke alle personer ha 50% celler som mangler den sunne allelen (som du skriver). Dette er en prosess kjent som skjev. En heterozygotisk kunne ikke ha noen celler med den defekte allelen, alle celler med den defekte, eller noen annen mellomform (dette følger en Gaussisk fordeling i befolkningen). Dermed viser heterozygoter asymptomatiske - milde - alvorlige fenotyper.
@Wolgast Selv om dette er sant, og prosentandelen celler med inaktivering av den defekte allelen, faktisk følger en Gaussisk fordeling, gjør loven om store tall det ekstremt usannsynlig at avviket fra 50% ville være veldig stort. Svaret ble oppdatert for å ta hensyn til disse faktorene.
@Wolgast. Heller ikke alle gener på Barr-legemer er inaktiverte. Det er noen regioner der du vil se et lite uttrykk. Som March Ho påpekte, ser hemofili ut til å være en doseavhengig sykdom, og så lenge nok megakaryocytter uttrykker den funksjonelle allelen, vil sykdommen maskeres hos heterozygote kvinner.

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